Wednesday, March 16, 2016

Holy Week and Easter Service Schedule 2016

March 20 - PALM SUNDAY - 10:00 am  (Service begins in the Courtyard with the Liturgy of the Palms, followed by procession into the Church, Reading of the Passion Gospel, and Contemporary Eucharist service.)

March 24 - MAUNDY THURSDAY - 7:00 pm Eucharist Service  (followed by the the Garden Vigil which continues through Friday morning...please contact the church office to sign up if interested.)

March 25 - GOOD FRIDAY -  12:00 noon - Stations of the Cross
March 25 - GOOD FRIDAY -  7:00 pm - Evening Mass of the Prescanctified Eucharist

March 27 - EASTER SUNDAY -  10:00 am  Contemporary Eucharist  (worship music begins in the church at 9:45 am)

Wednesday, February 24, 2016

Lent Teaching and Soup Supper Series

Our Soup Supper and teaching series this Lent is at 7:00 p.m. on Wednesdays in the Parish Hall through March 9.  The subject being presented by Fr. Chuck is "Practicing the Leadership Traits of God," in relationship to outreach and Discipleship.

All are welcome to join us for an evening of good fellowship and excellent teaching!