Monday, December 31, 2012

A N C I E N T     P A T H S

Beginning Thursday evening, January 17, 2013, Ancient Paths will be taught again at St Jude's in the Parish Hall.

7:00pm on Thursday and Friday and then Saturday, all day, beginning at 9:00am (lunch included) - do come join us for this powerful teaching - BUT please call the office and let us know! We need to be prepared with the right number of books, etc. 818-842-7461

Early Registration (by January 13) is $45 per person or $85 per married couple. After the 13th, the rate is $55 per person and $99 per married couple.

Monday, December 24, 2012

Merry Christmas!

Midnight Mass on Christmas Eve will begin at 10:30 p.m. with the service of lessons and carols - lots of favorite scriptures and familiar carols.

Christmas Day we will have a single service at 10 a.m.

Tuesday, December 18, 2012

Prayers for Mark and Rachel Charles

Thank you for praying for Mark and Rachel Charles and our own Brenda Chan, all back in Washington D.C. (or enroute), for travel mercies and that God be glorified in this work of reconciliation between the U.S. Government and the First Nations tribes, taking place tomorrow.

As many of you know, Mark Charles has been organizing the Conversation for Reconciliation: A Public Reading of H.R. 3326 - December 19, 2012.

Your prayers of support for bringing forward a true conversation for reconciliation are vital and appreciated. They will be able to stream the Public Reading of the US Apology to Native peoples event in Washington DC (DC19Apology) on his Wirelesshogan YouTube channel. Now the world can join this event. Creator ahe'hee'.

UPDATE: Mark will be making a presentation at the Native American Museum on the Washington Mall strip later today, Tuesday. Pray cover is appreciated!